Bibliography of the SSE.E IVET training module n° 3 : Ethical and solidairty finance and resources

This document is the third part of a package of training modules aimed at promoting the Social Solidarity Economy at the level of Initial Vocational and Educational Training.These training modules are a tool for trainers working in IVET, from age 14 and to age 25; but also for other professionals operating at different levels of the training and education system and people and organisations working in the Social Solidarity Economy and who have an interest in developing actions in the field of education and training.

Here we share a list of resources which can be useful for trainers to know more about the topics covered in this module.

One of the more complicated, mostly unresolved issues facing most commons is how to assure the independence of commons when the dominant systems of finance, banking and money are so hostile to commoning. How can commoners meet their needs without replicating (perhaps in only modestly less harmful ways) the structural problems of the dominant money system?

Social and solidarity finance (SSF)—which includes a range of forms of finance and exchange that pursue a social mission—may offer less volatile, and therefore more sustainable, alternatives. At a time when the development community is deciding how to finance the ambitious post-2015 sustainable development agenda, the potential for SSF to contribute to a more stable financial system that is conducive to sustainable development should not be ignored.

Experts pointed out the complementarity between South-South and triangular cooperation and Social and Solidarity Economy as follows:

1) South-South partnerships between SSE stakeholders are inclusive. They involve a multi-stakeholder approach central to the mainstreaming of the Decent Work Agenda.

2) South-South and triangular arrangements can reinforce the impact of Social Solidarity Economy in national contexts. They can sustain wider regional and inter-regional networks and platforms for knowledge and experience sharing.

3) Existing SSE networks between countries from the South are inspiring initiatives.

Definition of ethical bank, presentation of actors involved in ethical bank, information about social indicators, example of social and environmental indicators

Definition of solidarity finance, actors of solidarity finance, impact Investment,

Chapter 10 – Social Finance For Social Economy – specifically addresses better understanding about the financing of social economy organizations (SEOs) with case studies

Training Material

Chapter 2: Create a vision, define your goals and value added - 2.1. Approaches to social investment; this chapter refers to a check list of purposes of social investmente and advantages and disadvantages of social investment

Chapter 1-3=Key ingredients of the social investment ecosystem Viable business model. Other partners and stakeholders.

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This publication describes the basic principles of financial sustainability. The main focus is given to 4 pillars (financial and strategic planning, income diversification, sound administration and finance, own income generation).


Diference between social finance and conventional finance

Short description between conventional and ethical bank

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