The Social and Solidarity Economy
International Labour Organization - ILO
November 2014
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Summary :
The ILO approach to social and solidarity economy
The social and solidarity economy (SSE) contributes to the four dimensions of the ILO’s overall goal of creating decent work for all: productive employment, social protection, the respect for rights as well as voice. The ILO therefore supports the emerging SSE through advocacy, partnerships, capacity building and policy advice:
• Enhancing the recognition of social and solidarity enterprises and organizations and increase the number of partnerships with them;
• Promoting the role of social and solidarity enterprises and organizations during major ILO international and regional events;
• Building partnerships between social and solidarity economy stakeholders in the North and South, as well as South-South partnerships;
• Increasing the capacity of ILO constituents and other key stakeholders to promote social and solidarity enterprises and organizations;
• Facilitating the exchange of experiences and practices between ILO constituents, social and solidarity economy stakeholders, policymakers and development partners;
• Supporting the creation and strengthening of existing networks of social and solidarity economy promoters, relying on national platforms of coordination, advocacy and dialogue and other existing national networks.
Sources :
International Labour Organization - ILO