Social Solidarity Toolkit to confront COVID19 (Spain)
The Network of Networks of Alternative and Solidarity Economy (REAS) – Spain

Social Solidarity Economy entity description:
The Network of Networks of Alternative and Solidarity Economy (REAS) was born in 1995 to develop the Solidarity Economy in the Spanish State. Our activity is based on the principles and the values of the SSE Charter of Solidarity Economy and we aim to promote an inclusive, sustainable and collaborative model of economy that places people and their needs at the core of economic activity. REAS includes 944 entities that participate in 15 territorial networks and 4 sectorial networks.
The beneficiaries are members of the Network of networks of the Alternative and Solidarity Economy and the public (local communities and economies, citizens, SSE practitioners, policy makers, researchers, etc).
The Network of Networks of Alternative and Solidarity Economy (REAS) is a member of RIPESS Europe.
Covid-19 context:

The “Social Solidarity Toolkit to confront COVID19” was developed by REAS RED during its 25th anniversary that coincided with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The main purpose of this toolkit is to demonstrate that SSE can respond better to the COVID19 crisis because it emanates from the territories and is based on the solidarity of its networks that comes to the fore in difficult times.
This collaborative toolkit is the fruit of these special economic, social and personal relationships that showcase a variety of different Spanish sectorial, territorial initiatives such as the environment, consumption, the care sector, culture, education, ethical finance, legal support, the work environment or production.
The aim of the SSE Toolkit is to demonstrate that SSE has proven to be more resilient during the COVID19 pandemic and can be the best protection against the pandemic of the capitalist system because it promotes equity, decent work, cooperation, and sustainable development models.
General description of the Social Solidarity Economy initiative:
The SSE Toolkit includes SSE campaigns and initiatives that have been developed in Spain and in other European countries to combat some of the challenges created by the COVID 19 pandemic and that have changed our daily life.
Key actions and activities
The Internal Wholesale Market for organic farmers, a virtual space that aims to be a meeting point for organic producers and traders to sell organic food that is not being sold due to the closure of restaurants, hotels and canteens. For example, the Baserriko Plaza; the Citizen Laboratory for the construction of local consumption circuits in the Social Market of Madrid and the 8 ideas developed by Carro de Combate to rethink our consumption during #YoMeQuedoEnCasa.
Mutual support networks such as the « Cotidianas » project, care networks such as in the Basque Country or Andalusia, or the creation of a form to request masks for health centres, residences and in general for workers in essential services in Murcia.
The audiovisual meetings at La Casa Encendida or the talks organised by ERESS.
The financial initiatives: Goteo’s #CoronaZero channel and the Cooperative Fund for Social and Health Emergencies in Catalonia.
A set of resources for the management of Arç Cooperativa’s insurance.
AKAB (Askatasun Kolektiboetarako Abokatuak) has opened a legal clinic for those who have suffered police abuse.
Key partners:
Members of the Network of Networks of Social Solidarity Economy.
Main results and impacts:
Mapping of 121 initiatives led by the Social Solidarity Economy to share the COVID-19 response in a more just and social way that can inspire other actors and improve people’s quality of life.

Véase también :
A Social Solidarity Toolkit to confront COVID19
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - January 2022
Carlos Rey Bacaicoa, enero 2022
In the face of the crisis, solidarity
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - April 2020
Blanca Crespo Arnold, abril 2020