Green Economics and Citizens Income
Clive Lord, Miriam Kennet, September 2012

This fresh perspective on the theme of how to stop mankind overexploiting
the Earth challenges reassurances that scientific warnings are unduly pessimistic. The fate of Easter Island offers new insights into the dynamics driving economic expansion, and why the major players can never know how or when to stop. Lord outlines how a so-called ‘primitive’ tribe solved the problem which devastated Easter Island, and which now confronts us globally, by a cultural shift based on a strategy of sharing necessities unconditionally, allowing other rules for everything else.
Lord explains why such a strategy is an essential precondition for a sustainable world, and how it can be adopted nationally and internationally. Practical measures, however vital once such a shift has taken place, will do more harm than good if used instead to prop up the existing growth oriented mind-set. Clive Lord was a founder member of the Green Party in 1973. He was instrumental in ensuring that the Citizens’ Income was incorporated in
the Party’s first manifesto.
Book Overview: 7 parts.
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Concepts: Tragedy of the commons, etc.
Part 3: A way out: Making it happen
Part 4: Wider Implications: How the Citizens’ Income can form the basis for a paradigm shift
Part 5: Tactical and strategic implications for implementation
Part 6: Case studies of new developments
Part 7: There are no utopias