Solidarischer Holzhandel Nordhessen Teil 1 - 5
septiembre 2009

Solidarischer Holzhandel Nordhessen Teil 1 von 5 : 8min17
Solidarischer Holzhandel Nordhessen Teil 2 von 5
Solidarischer Holzhandel Nordhessen Teil 3 von 5
Solidarischer Holzhandel Nordhessen Teil 4 von 5
Solidarischer Holzhandel Nordhessen Teil 5 von 5
The video « Solidarischer Holzhandel Nordhessen » (solidarity based marketing of wood in the north of Hesse) deals with local circuits for wood processing. The forests in north Hesse belong partly to the State, partly to the communes and partially to the people of the area as ancient commons, partially organized since 1880 as cooperatives).
The regional cooperation in wood processing keeps small woodmills alive and saves energy cutting transport costs.
This video, like « Gesunde Bildung » (healty education) und « Ölwechsel » (oil change) have been made in the framework of a researchproject at the University of Kassel, directed by Prof. Clarita Müller Plantenberg.