3 minutes, 3 messages: Public Policies for SSE
Participants: Peter Utting

The video : 3min41
Peter Utting* explains in three minutes why social and solidarity economy should not be romanticized, but should be taken seriously as an important means of implementation of the SDGs. His three messages: SSE is an innovative approach to inclusive and sustainable development that builds both economic and political empowerment; many governments are supporting SSE expansion and scaling-up through public policies; the processes of policy making and implementation are as important as policy content.
These and more ideas can be found in « Policy Innovations for Transformative Change », the UNRISD 2016 Flagship Report: www.unrisd.org/flagship2016
To learn more about this topic: Read « Promoting Social and Solidarity Economy through Public Policy » www.unrisd.org/flagship2016-ch...
Visit www.unrisd.org/sse