Intercontinental Webinar: Towards the strengthening of SSE ecosystems at all levels
Video from Ripess Intercontinental Newsletter- March 2022
März 2022

The video : 2:07:59
Co-construction of public policies for the promotion of SSE, and advocacy strategies and tools from local to global.
On Tuesday 14th of December, RIPESS members and other SSE actors from around the world got together to exchange on advocacy strategies and collaboration with local, national and international policymakers for co-constructing public policies to strengthen SSE ecosystems around the world. The Director of the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation, Carme Gual, together with Shigeru Tanaka, joint-coordinator of RIPESS, officially welcomed the participants at the opening of the webinar
More concretely, the different sections of the webinar focused on sharing international advocacy progress for the promotion of SSE from a RIPESS perspective, as well as sharing concrete examples of advocacy strategies for the co-construction of supportive SSE public policies at all levels, and finally sharing of advocacy tools used by the SSE networks and actors.