Shared Economies: How Co-Ops and Public Banks Make a Difference for Women
An Economy of our Own

The video : 1:36:48
Public Banking
An interview with Public Banking Institute founder Ellen Brown on Money-Wise Women hosted by Crystal Arnold: “The Power of Public Banking.”
Women Unscrewing Screwnomics column at Ms. Magazine: How Public Banking Could Help Make Black Lives Matter: A short history of black banking, Killer Mike’s #bankblack, and why law professor Mehrsa Baradaran wrote a great book called The Color of Money.
PBI Chair and AEOO advisory board member Ellen Brown talks with Rafa Sonnenfeld of Santa Cruz, a public banking organizer and activist about how we can more quickly respond to wildfire destruction of homes, farms, water systems and power grids over 3.9 million acres in California and 1.5 million across Oregon.
Philadelphia Neighborhood Networks (PhillyNN) updates on Public Banking news. Oakland and other California Alliance updates on Public Banking news. New Public Banking Legislation in New York state. For more information, visit
Educational videos on public banking to watch and share with others.