Réseau Africain de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire (RAESS)
The African Network for Social and Solidarity Economy (ANSSE) is a non-profitmaking association. It was created in 2010 at the initiative of 25 civil society organisations from various African countries. It brings together 22 country networks that are active in the field of sustainable and inclusive development.
Areas of work
Relationships, visibility and institutional recognition
Support national members in their advocacy and lobby to ensure the Network for Social Solidarity Economy is represented in the Economic and Social Council of the country in question.
Consolidate the presence of ANSSE at national, regional and international level through participation in meetings, global summits and thematic fórums on questions linked to sustainable development, globalisation and its socio-economic impacts.
Frame this approach in the context of African Unity and the strategy for South-South and South-North co-operation.
Networking, communications and capacity building
Encourage inter-cooperation between ANSSE members on the basis of sharing as well as the mutualisation of means.
Support and showcase members’ activities through capacity strengthening and expertise and by supporting members in disseminating and communicating on their activities.
One video
SYLLA Aboubakari lors du Salon Tournant de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire au Sénégal.
Salon Tournant de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire (Côte d’Ivoire, Sénégal et Maroc) au Sénégal.nov 2019
November 2019
One case study
“Women are the source of all development” Interview with Jeanne d’Arc Ballo
Ripess Intercontinental Newsletter - March 2021
March 2021
RIPESS Intercontinental, RAESS
One charter/manifesto
April 2016
4 public contributions
Synthèse de l’intervention d’Élise Pierrette Memong, RAESS – RIPESS Afrique.
Webinaire : « Au-delà de l’urgence COVID19 : construire des réponses collectives et durables à travers l’ESS » , 21 avril 2020
Élise Pierrette Memong, April 2020
Synthèse de l’intervention de Madani KOUMARE, RAESS – RIPESS Afrique.
Webinaire : « Au-delà de l’urgence COVID19 : construire des réponses collectives et durables à travers l’ESS » , 21 avril 2020
Madani KOUMARE, April 2020
Notes d’intervention de Madani KOUMARE – RIPESS
CNUCED 14 « Des décisions aux actions » NAIROBI, juillet 2016. Session sur la contribution de la société civile à l’Agenda 2030
Madani KOUMARE, July 2016
RIPESS Intercontinental, RENAPESS, RAESS
25-27 septembre 2015, New York
Madani KOUMARE, September 2015
RIPESS Intercontinental, RENAPESS
An article
SSE further confirmed as a strategy to achieve the 2030 SDGs
Article from RIPESS Intercontinental - February 2022
Madani KOUMARE, February 2022
RIPESS Intercontinental, RAESS
2 organizations RIPESS & ODDs
Financial inclusion and economic empowerment for women and young people in Mali
RIPESS Intercontinental, RAESS
Ending women in poverty in Kaélé (Cameroun)
Women Coalition for Agenda 2030 (WOCA 2030), 2021
WOCA 2030,
RIPESS Intercontinental, RAESS
Training and capacity building for women and girls in vulnerable situations - Bamako, Mali.
Association ORFED – Mali, January 2022
RIPESS Intercontinental, RAESS