Centre for Education and Documentation (CED)
For the last two years CED has engaged itself in by just focusing on a few areas, with some avenues open for emergent issues. Currently - Climate Change, the issue of Knowledge of Change, Civil Society, Development Alternatives, New Economics and Urbanisation. CED has been trying to articulate a theory of development which is equitable, sustainable and democratic through a certain process by which it is generated since each of these require a generation of information and knowledge.
CED Mumbai: 3 Suleman Chambers, 4 Battery Street, Behind Regal Cinema, Mumbai - 400 001, INDIA - Phone: (022) 22020019 CED Bangalore: No. 7, 8th Main , 3rd phase, Domlur 2nd Stage, Bangalore - 560071, INDIA - Phone: (080) 25353397 - India
CED’s two Centres in Mumbai and Bangalore have a good collection of books, films, reports, Journals, Magazines and Newsletters. Particularly attractive are the archives of clippings, and reports which are unique to CED and hold a complete history of contemporary issues. K.P.Soma, a Gender and Development Consultant, recently termed the archive on Gender as one of the best in the country. CED now processes very selectively 11 newspapers, 14 magazines, 39 Journals and 21 newsletters.
5 études de cas
Micro-finance et petits paysans en Inde
juillet 2009
Développer l’alliance producteurs-consommateurs
juillet 2009
Une coopérative en Inde : la Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA)
Rajni Bakshi, septembre 2008
Bia Kud Chum, une expérience thaïlandaise de monnaie communautaire
Rajni Bakshi, septembre 2008
SANE, la « South African New Economics »
Rajni Bakshi, septembre 2008