Dollars and Sense
Dollars & Sense is a non-profit, non-hierarchical, collectively-run organization that publishes economic news and analysis, with the mission of explaining essential economic concepts by placing them in their real-world context. We publish a bi-monthly magazine, as well as economics books that are used in college social science courses, study groups and other educational settings.
D&S publications question the assumptions of traditional academic theories and empower people to think about alternatives to the prevailing system. We cover issues that are ignored by mainstream media and misunderstood by orthodox economic analysts. The magazine includes regular reports on economic justice activism, primers on economic topics, and critiques of the corporate media’s coverage of the economy. Our readers include professors, students, journalists, activists, and anyone who values well researched, clearly written, relevant news and analysis.
Dollars & Sense also partners with educational institutions and other nonprofit organizations, providing research and editorial support for projects related to popular economics education, organizing, and activism. We have worked with community organizers, labor educators, advocacy groups, and grassroots activists to help improve the economic literacy of their members. We have helped meet the great need among progressive organizations and networks for timely and compelling popular economics educational materials.
Founded in 1974, Dollars & Sense is a project of the Economics Affairs Bureau Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. From its beginning, the Economics Affairs Bureau has been a worker-run, collectively managed organization. This organizational structure fits with the mission to challenge orthodox economics, to promote progressive economics, and to help build a movement for a new economic system.