Pressenza International press Agency
What we are
Pressenza is a space open to the expression of the social base. We endorse a universalist humanist perspective and actively promote cooperation agreements and partnerships with other agencies, as well as reciprocal links with portals, platforms, news and communications media of specific communities and cultures. Pressenza is part of an extensive network of new media that achieves global reach for local proposals while they are supplied information with the material provided by the agency.
Pressenza consists of volunteers with extensive experience in communication, social activism, cultural and academic fields. The agency is independent from any economic interest, the basic condition for its autonomy. We are columnists, reporters, photographers, graphic designers, videographers and translators on five continents who contribute our professional work without financial compensation.
First established in Milan, Italy, in 2009, we are legally registered as an international agency in Quito, Ecuador since 2014 (Memo # SNC-DAL-2014-0011-O # 037 Agreement of June 4th, 2014 of the National Ministry of Communications) and we are organised into decentralized teams and newsrooms. With a presence in 24 countries, we issue our daily news service in English, Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese and German.
Pressenza gives visibility to news, initiatives, proposals and scenarios related to Peace, Nonviolence, Disarmament, Human Rights and the fight against all forms of Discrimination. We place the human being as the central value and concern, and celebrate diversity. Thus, we propose active and lucid journalism that respects these essential premises, aiming towards the resolution of crises and social conflicts in all latitudes.
In this sense, we disseminate research, analysis and actions that contribute to world peace and overcoming violence; prioritising nuclear and conventional disarmament, peaceful resolution of conflicts, their prevention and withdrawal from occupied territories.
We also report on all the facts and situations that cause pain and suffering in populations, attempting to comprehend and transform the causes of these events, going beyond being mere spectators. The agency also trains students and volunteers who converge in these principles.