Vincent Commenne
3 pubblicazioni
Responsabilidad social y ambiental : el compromiso de los actores económicos
Vincent Commenne, Editions Charles Léopold Mayer (ECLM), Paris, France, 2006
Economic Actors’ Participation in Social and Environmental Responsibility
Coordinated by Vincent Commenne, Editions Charles Léopold Mayer (ECLM), Paris, France, 2006
Coordonné par Vincent Commenne, Editions Charles Léopold Mayer (ECLM), Paris, France, 2006
6 studi di caso
Meeting local needs: Fersol in Brazil
Case study of the book Social and environmental responsibility, 2006
Vincent Commenne
Collaboration with stakeholders
Case study of the book Social and environmental responsibility, 2006
Vincent Commenne, 2006
Case study of the book Social and environmental responsibility, 2006
Vincent Commenne, 2006
Case study of the book Social and environmental responsibility, 2006
Vincent Commenne, 2006
Case study of the book Social and environmental responsibility, 2006
Vincent Commenne, 2006
Case study from the book Social and environmental responsibility, 2006
Vincent Commenne, 2006
2 Documenti di analisi/working papers/articoli
Economic Actors’ Societal Responsibility: the role of enterprises and their stakeholders
Concept paper written for the WSSE Dakar, Senegal meeting (Nov 19-21, 2005).
Vincent Commenne, ottobre 2005
Study on Economic Actors’ Societal Responsibility - Research Report on the Situation in Europe
Research report on Europe, part of the study on Economic Actors’ Societal Responsibility (EASR) carried out by the WSSE’s EASR Workshop.
Vincent Commenne, maggio 2005