Local currency as a development strategy
A mathematical model on the use of local currencies
Rajshri Jayaraman, Mandar Oak, marzo 2001
Compendio :
The introduction of a local currency may serve as a signal of demand
for local goods. Where demand uncertainty deters firms from
investing in more productive technologies, such a signal improves the
chances that technology choice will be optimal. The introduction of
a local currency therefore always improves ex-ante efficiency and may
lead to ex-post efficiency, with strictly higher levels of productivity
and welfare.
Section II presents the basic model. Section III considers the equilibrium
of a game in which firms face a technology choice with demand uncertainty
in the absence of a local currency. In section IV, we analyze the equilibrium
of the game with local currency. Section V is devoted to seeing, through
an example, howthe introduction of a local currency compares to other,
more traditional, policies directed at demand revelation. Finally, section VI
Fonti :
Complementary Currency Resource Center: CC Library www.complementarycurrency.org/materials.php