Homo cooperans. Institutions for collective action and the compassionate society
Tine De Moor, Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, 2013

‘Parallel to the current social, economic, and ecological crisis, new institutions for collective action are rapidly developing. In domains where the government withdraws and the market fails, citizen collectives in care, energy, infrastructure, etc. that are set up by the public offer an accessible and affordable alternative at the local level. The media and scientists sometimes speak of a revolution taking place in our society. But is this true? Is this a turning point where the whole society is flipped upside down?
Tine De Moor indicates, through a thousand years of history, in what way the current developments differ from earlier boosts in the development of institutions for collective action. Just like today, similar periods of growth for these type of institutions, were preceded by periods of accelerated development of the free market. As such, they constitute a correction mechanism and can play an important role in society, as a third governance model, alongside market and state. De Moor calls for institutional diversity, and the use of our knowledge about the functioning of institutions from the past to make the current trend sustainable.’