Growing a Green Economy for All From Green Jobs to Green Ownership
Deborah B. Warren, Steve Dubb, Community Wealth, luglio 2010

This Democracy Collaborative report provides the first comprehensive survey of community wealth building institutions in the green economy. Featuring ten cases, the report identifies how policy and philanthropy can build on these examples to create « green jobs you can own. »
This report helps to define the roles of various players in Community Wealth Building and covers the following case studies:
Case Studies: Innovation in Green Community Wealth Building
Austin Energy (Austin, Texas)
Washington Electric Co-op (East Montpelier, Vermont)
Coastal Community Action and the Graylands Wind Energy Project (Washington state)
Windshare—and the Toronto Renewable Energy Co-operative (Toronto, Ontario)
PV Squared (New England)
Green Worker Cooperatives (Bronx, New York)
Excellence by Owners: The EBO Group Goes Green (Sharon Heights, Ohio)
The ReUse Center (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
WAGES (Oakland, California)
The Evergreen Cooperative Business Network of Cleveland, Ohio
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