Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.
« Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin » is a network of individuals, initiatives and organisations working towards the common goal of research, development, training and education in the area of need-based local and regional technology, economic development and employment strategies, founded in 1985 and established as the social enterprise « TechNet e.V. » in the form of an association cetrified as working for the common good in 1987. It runs an « Economic Self-Help Training and Education Centre », the « Interdisciplinary Research Group Local Economy » based in the Technical University of Berlin until 2011, and the « Berlin Development Agency for Social Enterpris and Neighbourhood Economy (BEST) since 2004. A key focus of the research and development activities is the creation of job opportunities through the establishment of social enterprises as well as the transformation to a local social and solidarity-based economy. Via its work, TechNet has built up a wide range of contacts and co-operative relationships with similar projects, agencies, public sector bodies and enterprises all over Europe and abroad.. In this context it has also acted as the co-ordination office for the « European Network for Economic Self-Help and Local Development » between 1993 and 2006, which has been continued in the following years as an informal partnership for joint projects in the field
12 strumenti pedagogici
Programm Nationaler Kurs DE – Berlin (and in English)
Social Solidarity Economy in Europe : affirming a new paradigm trhough IVET curricula innovation
aprile 2020
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V., SSE-VET2
Abschließende Bewertung der nationalen Ausbildung
Social Solidarity Economy in Europe : affirming a new paradigm trhough IVET curricula innovation
aprile 2020
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V., SSE-VET2
Präsentation der Ergebnisse über die Auswirkungen auf den Ort
Social Solidarity Economy in Europe : affirming a new paradigm trhough IVET curricula innovation
aprile 2020
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V., SSE-VET2
Präsentation von Erkenntnissen zu demokratischem Management und Unternehmensplanung
Social Solidarity Economy in Europe : affirming a new paradigm trhough IVET curricula innovation
aprile 2020
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V., SSE-VET2
Präsentation von Erkenntnissen zum Sozialkapital und Sozialen Marketing.
Social Solidarity Economy in Europe : affirming a new paradigm trhough IVET curricula innovation
aprile 2020
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V., SSE-VET2
Social Solidarity Economy in Europe : affirming a new paradigm trhough IVET curricula innovation
aprile 2020
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V., SSE-VET2
SSE.E IVET : Training module 3. Ethical and Solidarity Finance and Resources
Social Solidarity Economy in Europe : affirming a new paradigm trhough IVET curricula innovation
agosto 2018
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.,
Solidarius Italia,
RIPESS Europe,
SSE.E IVET : Training module 2. Democratic Management in the Social Solidarity Economy
Social Solidarity Economy in Europe : affirming a new paradigm trhough IVET curricula innovation
agosto 2018
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.,
Solidarius Italia,
RIPESS Europe,
SSE.E IVET : Training module 1. Social Solidarity Economy Values and Principles
Social Solidarity Economy in Europe : affirming a new paradigm trhough IVET curricula innovation
agosto 2018
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.,
Solidarius Italia,
RIPESS Europe,
Bedeutung und Funktionsweise sozialer Unternehmen
Social Solidarity Economy in Europe : affirming a new paradigm trhough IVET curricula innovation
Günther Lorenz, 2018
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V., SSE-VET2
Local Social Economy Learning Package
A European Curriculum for Social Enterprise Practitioners and Supporters
Karl Birkhölzer, settembre 2009
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V., SSE-VET2
Der Beitrag sozialer Unternehmen zur Lokalen Ökonomie
Social Solidarity Economy in Europe : affirming a new paradigm trhough IVET curricula innovation
Günther Lorenz, 2008
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V., SSE-VET2
2 studi di caso
ExRotaprint Project Description
Social Solidarity Economy in Europe : affirming a new paradigm trhough IVET curricula innovation
aprile 2020
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.
Exkursion zu Ex-Rotaprint (Berlin)
Social Solidarity Economy in Europe : affirming a new paradigm trhough IVET curricula innovation
aprile 2020
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V., SSE-VET2
5 Documenti di analisi/working papers/articoli
Historische Entwicklung und Wirkungsanalyse sozialer Unternehmen in Deutschland
Social Solidarity Economy in Europe : affirming a new paradigm trhough IVET curricula innovation
Karl Birkhölzer, giugno 2018
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V., SSE-VET2
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.
Heike Birkhölzer, Günther Lorenz, Monika Schillat, 2007
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.
Information paper
Karl Birkhölzer, 2003
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.
Projet né de la conférence européenne « Wirtschaft von Unten / People’s Economy » qui eut lieu du 31 août au 4 septembre 1994 à Dessau en Allemagne.
Karl Birkhölzer, ottobre 1996
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.
2 Interventi pubblici
Practice and potential for the future of territorial pacts
Paper for the conference “Promoting co-operative territorial economy to combat poverty and social exclusion” Brusssels, 23rd of November 2010
Karl Birkhölzer, novembre 2010
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.
Local Economic Development and its Potential
Paper for the seminar on “Local Economic Development”, organized by the Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-Eastern Europe, 14th to 15th of April 2005 in Brcko, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Karl Birkhölzer, aprile 2005
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.
5 articoli
Public policy news from SSE in Germany
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, December 2023
Günther Lorenz, dicembre 2023
RIPESS Europe,
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - March 2022
marzo 2022
RIPESS Europe,
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.
RESET, cooperation between SSE and regional / local governments in Europe
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - October 2021
Günther Lorenz, ottobre 2021
RIPESS Europe,
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.
Meet Günther Lorenz from Technet (Germany): member of Ripess Eu
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - April 2021
Günther Lorenz, aprile 2021
RIPESS Europe,
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - December 2020
Günther Lorenz, dicembre 2020
RIPESS Europe,
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.
Un’organizacione RIPESS & ODS
A cooperative of women to promote women"s businesses in Berlin
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.,
RIPESS Europe,
RIPESS Intercontinental
Resilience through SSE in Brandebourg, Germany
TechNet Berlin -Germany, gennaio 2022
RIPESS Intercontinental,
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.